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![]() CE Precision better than 25 ppm up to 5A CE Precision better than 50 ppm up to 200A Arbin offers ultra-high precision charge/discharge testing systems for meaningful coulombic efficiency testing on cells up to 200A. Low current HPT systems are also available. Arbin Instruments, Ford Motor Company and Sandia National Lab partnered together on anARPA-E project beginning in 2012 to develop a high-precision, high-power battery tester. This new “HPT” system allows users to more clearly see degradation mechanisms on a full-scale (high capacity) cell under real-world conditions. The project goal was to develop a testing system capable of 50ppm coulombic efficiency precision at up to 200A. This project concluded in 2015 with Arbin’s successful commercialization of the new HPT product series. HPT systems have been used by leading industry partners since 2014 during the ARPA-E project evaluation period, but only became available to... [详细介绍] |